Kim Kardashian relieved dad never knew about sex tape


Kim Kardashian relieved dad never knew about sex tape
Kim Kardashian, who recently admitted that her sex tape played a huge role in catapulting her into limelight, has confessed that she is glad she didn”t have to explain the scandal to her late father. The reality TV star revealed that she would not have known what to say to him. Speaking
candidly about the racy footage of her tryst with ex-boyfriend Ray J, which leaked online several years ago and introduced many people to the Armenian beauty, Kardashian admitted that she felt humiliated and often wishes that she had made a better decision, when she agreed to film a sex session with the singer.
Appearing on Oprah’s Next Chapter, she claimed that her first introduction to the world of glamour was quite negative in nature. “I’d like to think that I’m aware… that that”s pretty much how I was introduced to the world. It was a negative way, so I felt like I really had to work 10 times harder to get people to see the real me… I felt humiliated,” the Daily Express quote her as saying.
“I’m definitely not grateful for that experience… If I was to live my life again, obviously I wouldn”t do that again… If I had the information, if I had known better I would have done better, but I didn”t.” The 31-year-old also insisted that she had nothing to do with the release of the sex tape.
“Why would anyone put that humiliation on their family. That’s what I did. And that’s something that I’m gonna have to live with for the rest of my life and have to explain to my children one day. Imagine the conversation I had to have with my grandmother,” she said.
However, she admitted that she’d forever be relieved, as she didn’t have to explain her actions to her lawyer father Robert Kardashian. “I don”t know what I would have done… what I would have said,” she added.