New york : Socialist leader Edi Rama has illegally contribute money to President Obama

New York News: U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent letters to both Attorney General Holder and the Federal Elections Commission calling for an investigation into a possible conspiracy by foreign nationals to circumvent U.S. campaign financing laws. The case involves the purchases of two $40,000 tickets to a San Francisco fundraiser for President Barack Obama held October 12, 2012. The tickets were purchased by Bilal Shehu an Albanian limousine driver, and his wife. The wife, however, did not attend the event. Instead, her ticket was used by Edi Rama, the leader of the Albanian Socialist Party. At the event, Rama posed with President Obama for a photo he is now deceitfully using in his election campaign for Prime Minister of Albania.
“It is questionable whether the Shehu family could have afforded to pay $80,000 to attend a campaign event, or to fly from their home in New Jersey to California. Where did the money come from?” asked Rep. Rohrabacher “Foreign nationals like Rama are prohibited to contribute to U.S. election campaigns, and laundering campaign contributions through someone else is also a crime.
These suspicious contributions may also be part of a scheme to affect the outcome of an election in Albania, a NATO ally.”
In a speech on the House floor June 14th, Rep. Rohrabacher praised the progress Albania has made since it threw off the yoke of Communism at the end of the Cold War.
“Albania is a member of NATO that continues to contribute troops to the International Security Force in Afghanistan, and participated in the US-led liberation of Iraq,” said Rohrabacher. It now aspires for membership in the European Union.
“Campaign laws in both our countries, the United States and Albania, may have been violated. At that very least, the Albanian people are being shown a photo that is essentially a lie. Implying a relationship with President Obama is deceitful. If it took a foreign source of money to get the picture, it means laws in the US were broken. If the resulting picture is being used to suggest an ongoing relationship, a fraud is being perpetrated on the people of Albania.”
Albanian Minerals President and CEO Sahit Muja said. “This is outrage fraud by Edi Rama and violation of U.S. campaign financing laws”.
Mr. Muja said Albanian people will vote by considering the leadership qualifications not a foto with President Obama.
“Edi Rama has to face in election Sali Berisha the most accomplish leader in Albanian History” Sahit Muja said.
Mr. Muja said, Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha has embraced ambitious plans to transforme Albanian economy and power Albania on renewable green sources of energy. Mr. Berisha’s government has paved the way for billions of dollars to be invested for green power projects, mining, oil and infrastructure projects. Prime Minister Berisha has been committed to make Albania a member of the Europian Union and energy powerhouse in Europe.
Sahit Muja said, “Under Mr. Berisha’s leadership the Albanian economy continues to grow with the one of the best rate in Europe. In the last 8 years under PM Berisha’s leadership Albania has the world’s largest increase in Tourism about 1000 percent .The Albanian government is heavily investing in infrastructure, education building roads, schools, hospitals and creating an excellent climate for investors. Prime Minister Berisha has change the tax system and now Albania has one of the lowest tax systems in the world with only a 10 percent flat rate. In the political front Mr. Berisha has led Albania to become a member of NATO and approved visa liberalization with the European Union”.
Mr. Muja reported that, Albania’s economic growth over the last 8 years has been higher than at any time in the history, with projected growth for 2013 the highest in the Europe . Albania has avoided recession due to a series of government initiatives in recent years that have helped Albania to cope with the impact of the world recession.
The Albanian economy has done very well under Prime Minister Sali Berisha, and government policy has been key to this success. Mr Berisha has doubled the budget, raised salaries, lifted Albanians from the poverty line and done an amazing job on building infrastructure. Tourism and investments are flourishing in Albania.
According to U.S. government Albania, a formerly closed, centrally-planned state, is making the difficult transition to a more modern open-market economy. Macroeconomic growth averaged around 6% between 2004-08, but declined to about 3% in 2009-11, and 0.5% in 2012. Inflation is low and stable. The government has taken measures to curb violent crime, and recently adopted a fiscal reform package aimed at reducing the large gray economy and attracting foreign investment. Remittances, a significant catalyst for economic growth declined from 12-15% of GDP before the 2008 financial crisis to 8% of GDP in 2010, mostly from Albanians residing in Greece and Italy.
Sahit Muja said I call on President Obama to return the illegal contribution by Edi Rama.
By. Diana Green
New York News

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